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How Does The Recruitment Industry Work?

Nov 7

The recruitment industry is not a simple one, but it’s also very lucrative for those in leadership positions within it. There are many ways to make money from recruiting, but none more straightforward than hiring someone else to do that work for you. By and large, this is how most recruiters start off as professionals – they get their foot in the door through networking or referrals and then use their talents to promote their employer’s name.

The tricky part comes when employers need to be able to rely on these professionals to put their interests aside and work hard for them. Unfortunately, too often they don’t!

Luckily, there are some strategies that can help mitigate the effects of poor recruiter performance while simultaneously improving employee retention. And if your career needs a boost, we could definitely talk about that.

Keep reading to learn more about the recruitment process and some helpful tips for becoming a better recruiter.


Who is looking for jobs?

how does the recruitment industry work

The number one question employers ask themselves when advertising for new positions is “Who wants this job?” They want to make sure that there are clearly expressed goals, an understanding of company values, and confidence in the position being fulfilled after a person joins their team.

This isn’t just a nice thing to do, it’s also smart business — if people don’t believe they can fulfill their responsibilities, then they won’t put much effort into doing so, which will negatively affect both the individual and the organization.

It takes time to develop trust, and too many surprises can destroy it quickly.

In fact, according to a Harvard Business School study, lack of trust was the top reason why employees left their jobs.1

So how does the recruitment industry help mitigate loss due to poor employment relationships? By using structured interviews as your mode of selection, we agree with the HBS study and reduce risk by narrowing down potential candidates early.

Structured interviews were first used during World War II to ensure soldiers would be motivated to perform their duties to the best of their ability. Since then, they have become the norm across various industries, from hiring college professors to deciding who gets hired at a company.


What types of jobs are available?

how does the recruitment industry work

There are many different positions in recruitment, so it is very important to understand what each one does. The number one question people have when they enter the recruiting industry is “What can I do with my career?”

Mostly, employers look at your resume and social media profiles and decide if you seem like someone who could do the job. If you play an instrument or sing well, that can be helpful in finding work as a recruiter!

If you are willing to learn new skills and recruit for companies in various fields, there are plenty of opportunities around you. Finding employment doesn't necessarily require having professional training, either — all sorts of roles need things like writing signatures or taking phone calls while doing other tasks.

The more skilled you are at using computer software and applications, the better chance you will have of being hired as a recruiter. This includes knowing how to use LinkedIn, Google Apps, and other online tools to find and apply to position openings.


What are the requirements?

As we have discussed, finding your career path as a recruiter is more than just having a passion for people and being good at talking about them, it’s knowing what job openings exist and how to apply for those positions.

Just because you don’t know anyone in the recruiting department doesn’t mean you can’t become a recruiter. In fact, there are many ways to begin working with recruiters before asking to be hired on as an employee.

You may already have a few things going for you — such as living close to a shopping center or restaurant that has a mall-level store, or someone who works in the industry you would like to work in.

Alternatively, you could be one of the many talented individuals out there who enjoys interacting with members of the public so much that you could start your own business selling services to other entrepreneurs and consultants to help them grow.


What are the challenges?

As we have seen, the recruitment industry is not a straightforward process that has clear-cut rules. There are many things that can affect how well your job search goes, including what types of jobs you target, how much income you look for, and who you hire to help you.

With that said, here are some tips for staying motivated during your career transition. These tips will be practical and relevant for anyone looking to change positions or levels in an organization.

Keep track of all interviews

This is one of the most important things you can do while searching for employment. By keeping notes about each interview, it helps you organize information and highlights key points discussed.

It also helps determine if there were any red flags when discussing with potential employers. More often than not, people’s weaknesses come out more clearly when they’re talking about themselves.

By taking time after each interview to write down comments and observations, you make sure no detail gets overlooked. This way you're more likely to remember something important later.

Don’t forget to check out online accounts related to the company you interviewed with! Sometimes someone left the workplace or deleted their social media account, so no proof exists beyond what others say. Make sure to find this out before making a decision.


What are some salary ranges for jobs in the industry?

how does the recruitment industry work

A lot of people assume that once you enter the recruitment field, your career quickly takes off! This is not always the case though- there’s a reason why most recruiters have a limited amount of career mobility.

The average recruiter earns around $40,000 per year. The top earning recruiters make over six times this!

This isn’t to say that these high earners don’t work hard or achieve great things, but unless you’re at the very top, your pay will be relatively flat or even slightly falling as you climb the ladder.

There are many reasons why this situation exists, but one of the biggest factors is the nature of the job.

A recruiter’s position comes with a lot of responsibility, which can easily result in them taking on more work than they have time for – and thus reducing their efficiency (and therefore income).

Another factor is that recruiters are paid by both employers and candidates, so if no one wants to hire you then you won’t get too much employment.

However, before jumping into the profession, it’s important to understand what kind of salaries are possible within the industry and how to increase yours.


What education is needed?


Being able to interact with people is one of the most important things for any career, whether you are talking about sales or recruiting. Having a degree in human interaction as well as recruitment skills is something that all professionals should have at least some level of knowledge of.

A lot of employers look very much at undergraduate degrees when hiring new staff so it is not hard to find jobs where having a college diploma is a requirement. Beyond this there are lots of other opportunities to develop your interpersonal skills such as taking coaching courses or attending seminars.

By educating yourself outside of work and investing time into developing these skills, you will boost your personal effectiveness and earn respect from others around you.


How can I get a job in the industry?

how does the recruitment industry work

Finding employment as an recruiter is not easy, but there are ways to approach it. Most recruiters start their career by putting themselves out there and meeting people at networking events, volunteering, working for a recruiting firm, or landing their first position through connections.

Recruiting is also very popular via social media sites such as Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook. Some recruiters even create their own website and marketing materials to promote their services!

By being active on various platforms, you will definitely find a way to launch your recruitment career. You may also need to do some research to see what types of positions are available and how to prepare for interviews.

Getting familiar with the job market is one of the most important things you can do before entering into the workforce. The more prepared you are for every situation, the better chance you have of succeeding.


What are some tips for applicants?

Beyond having an impressive resume, being professional with your application process is very important to landing your dream job. These days, with the growing flood of applications that employers receive, it can be difficult to know who is applying through what channels.

It’s great to have lots of candidates apply, but this can make it hard to determine which ones will get you a call or meeting. In fact, most employers say that while they want to speak with every applicant, this isn’t always possible.

So how do these professionals manage their career paths if they’re not able to talk to everyone?

Follow up

This one may sound obvious, but many people don’t follow up after receiving a rejection letter or no response at all to an interview. If you send off a résumé in search of employment, expect little else than silence until you hear back.

That is why staying in touch is so crucial. Even if you aren’t sure whether there were successful interviews, you should let someone know! They could be waiting for your next move under the same assumption as before.

By letting them know that you’ve sent off your materials and haven’t heard anything back, you’re taking action and demonstrating that you're interested in moving forward.