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Home Inspection Denver CO | Rental License Inspection Denver, CO

Nov 24

Home Inspection Denver CO


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Our inspectors provide an affordable way for property owners to ensure compliance with local laws. Our services include inspections of rental properties.

Our Denver rental inspectors perform thorough inspections of homes and apartments, including common areas such as hallways, stairwells, laundry rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and bedrooms. In addition, we check appliances, heating systems, plumbing, electrical wiring, fire alarms, smoke detectors, and more. If any violations are found during our inspection, we issue a written report detailing the problem(s) and providing recommendations for repairs.

Inspectors are trained to identify potential hazards and safety issues, which could lead to serious injury or even death. For example, we may find problems with hot water heaters, gas lines, refrigerators, air conditioners, furnaces, roofs, windows, doors, elevators, and more.

We strive to make sure that tenants live safely and comfortably in their homes. As a result, our inspectors help landlords avoid costly fines and penalties while helping renters feel safe and secure in their housing arrangements.

Contact us with any questions here. We also service the following cities: Five PointsHighland ParkGlendaleUniversity ParkSunnyvaleHolly HillsHillsideEnglewoodSullivanSheridan

The Denver City Council has unanimously approved a new law that requires landlords to obtain licenses for their rental properties.

Under the current law, property owners renting buildings with two or more apartments will have to be licensed beginning January 1, 2023. Owners of single-family homes who rent them out will need to be licensed by January 1, 2024. There is also an opt-in for those who want to get licensed earlier, starting January 1, 2022.

The new law also makes it mandatory for landlords to provide copies of the written lease for new tenants within 70 day for any lease longer than three months, and to provide tenants their rights and resources – starting on January 1st of next year.

Rental properties with two or more units will be required to have 10 percent of their units inspected randomly. Single-unit rentals will be required to have inspections.

After the inspection is complete, a landlord would be able to get a license. Application fees would start at $25 per unit rented between January 1, 2022 and January 1, 2023. After January 1, 2023, the fee would go up to $50 per unit rented. For single-unit rentals, the fee would stay at $25 until 2024, when it would rise to $50.

Licensing costs will vary depending on the number of units in your building. For example, if you have 10 units, the licensing fee will be $50 per unit. If you have 50 units, the licensing fee is $250 per unit. Licenses will need to be renewed every 4 years and require an inspection before renewal.

If landlords don’t comply with the law, they could face fines of up to $1,000 per violation.

Home Inspection Denver CO  

Apartment Inspections, Denver CO

In almost every city in the country, you’ll find a handful of companies that specialize in checking rental properties to make sure they meet certain standards. This is often done as a condition of getting a license to manage rental property, and it’s something that more and more landlords are taking advantage of. If you own an apartment complex or other rental property, it’s worth having someone check it out at least once per year. That way, you can keep your tenants happy and avoid any issues before they become bigger problems later on. In addition to regular maintenance checks, there are other reasons why you should have your rentals inspected. Whether their old or new properties, having them checked will give you peace of mind, as well as help, protect the value of your investment. Here’s everything you need to know about apartment inspections in Denver CO so that you can get started right away!

What is an Apartment Inspection

An apartment inspection is a process that involves checking properties for safety and compliance with local building codes. After all, if you’re looking to rent your property, it’s important to ensure it’s safe and ready to be lived in. In order to take care of the building itself, you need to make sure that the tenants are taken care of. That’s why many landlords pay for a regular inspection from an inspector who can help maintain the property. Many cities have set standards for what is acceptable and what isn’t when it comes to rental properties, so be sure that you know what those are before you commit to anything too crazy. For example, Denver CO requires any new construction to meet certain safety standards in order for the property owner to get a license. Those standards include things like making sure there are windows on every floor of the building, having smoke detectors installed, and having an emergency exit plan available in case of fire or other emergencies.

Why an Apartment Inspection is important in Denver

CO When you have your rental property inspected, you’ll get a clear picture of how it’s looking. This will help you make any necessary improvements and update the look of your units as needed. It’s also important that you take advantage of this service before significant wear and tear occur. In addition to regular maintenance checks, there are other reasons why you should have your rentals inspected. Whether their old or new properties, having them checked will give you peace of mind, as well as help, protect the value of your investment. There are several benefits to doing this, including being able to see if anything is wrong with the roof, walls, or plumbing in your complex so that repairs can be made before major damage happens! Another reason to have an apartment inspection done is to eliminate non-paying tenants who don’t pay their rent on time. By getting a professional inspection done on a weekly basis, you can identify those tenants and avoid any conflicts with them in the future.

Contact us today to schedule an Apartment Inspection

Getting your property inspected is easy; call our Home Inspections Denver team. We offer affordable and reliable inspections for the whole Denver CO metro area.


Home Inspection Denver CO

Denver Radon Testing

If you’re a homeowner, chances are you spend a lot of time in your home. Whether it’s to relax and read a book or watch the kids play sports, it can be difficult to trust that your home is safe from dangerous contaminants and hazards. One such hazard that homeowners face on a regular basis is radon. This harmful and invisible gas originates from the natural breakdown of minerals in soil, and is present in nearly every home across the country. If you’re wondering how much radon your home has and what action you should take as a result, then you’ve come to the right place! The good news is that there are effective ways to reduce the threat of radon exposure inside your home. The bad news? That same threat also makes homes more susceptible to other potential hazards such as fire and termite damage. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be an insurmountable problem if you ask around for assistance with identifying mitigation solutions in your area before making any hasty decisions about major renovations or selling your house. Here we will cover everything you need to know about radon testing services in Denver as well as tips for reducing the threat posed by this radioactivity.

What is Radon Testing

Radon is a natural radioactive gas that can enter your home through cracks and openings in the foundation, walls, and floor. It forms when water interacts with minerals in soil and sediment, which causes uranium to break down into radon and other gases. The levels of radon inside your home can vary substantially depending on where you live. Fortunately, there are ways to detect radon exposure in your home so you can take appropriate action to protect yourself from the harmful effects of this radioactivity. One such method is using a test kit for radon, which will give you information about how much radon exposure you may be experiencing.

Why Radon Testing is important in Denver

One of the most important aspects of protecting your home is knowing what exists in the air you breathe. Radon testing can help you identify levels of radon in your home and can help you take steps to prevent this toxic gas from posing health risks to both you and your family. Whether it’s for a new home or an existing one, radon test results are helpful in determining if there are any radon hazards present and if mitigation measures need to be taken.

Contact us today to schedule a Radon Test

If you’re considering hiring a Denver radon service to get your home tested, then you’ve come to the right place! You can ask us about our radon testing services and how we can help you determine the best course of action for your home. Our team is trained in every facet of radon mitigation, including radon detection, remediation, and mitigation. We offer comprehensive solutions for all levels of homeownership–from those just curious about their radon exposure to those who have multiple units in their home. So call today to schedule your evaluation and learn more about what we can do for you!

Home Inspection Denver CO

Sewer Scope Inspections Denver, CO

Your home’s waste water and sewer system are a vital part of everyday life in the city. The waste water and sewer system keeps your home clean and helps remove dirt, grease, and liquids from your washing machine to prevent clogs. While you may never think about your home’s pipes as something that needs to be inspected on a regular basis, every time you have a large household event like an extended construction project or remodeling project that requires digging up the yard or having a plumber come out, you need to get a professional checkup on your sewer lines. The good news is, sewer inspections don’t require any expensive equipment or special training. They usually only take around 20 minutes per house and can be done by anyone who has access to the property. The bad news is, if you don’t know what you’re looking for or how often you should have one performed then it could end up taking much longer than that! In this blog post we will cover everything you need to know about having regular sewer inspection in Denver CO including which pipes need inspecting, what types of problems could arise from not having them checked regularly enough, and how often you should have one performed.

What is a sewer scope inspection

A sewer scope inspection is performed by a professional who inspects your home’s waste water and sewer lines for potential problems. They will check for blockages, leaks, clogs, and other issues that could lead to significant health or property damage. These inspections should be done regularly to ensure that the system is working properly and to help prevent problems in the future. It usually takes around 20 minutes of inspection per house and they are typically only done by certified professionals.

Why do you need a sewer scope inspection

? Sewer scope inspections are extremely important. If you don’t have a sewer scope inspection done on your property, there is a chance that the waste water and sewer system could be damaged or clogged, leading to dangerous situations for your family. The following are some of the many reasons why your home’s pipes need to be inspected: -Pipes may become blocked and cause sewage overflow into homes and yards -Pipes may freeze in cold weather, causing damage that cannot be seen without proper inspection -A rodent may chew through a pipe causing a leak which no one would know about until it was too late -The waste water line may break if not inspected regularly enough, leaving you with no way to use the bathroom or prepare food in your kitchen -You could also be at risk of having an expensive bill because of potential damages to the system

Contact us today for a sewer scope inspection in Denver CO

Home Inspection Denver CO

! We can provide you with a free quote and then schedule a time for you to come in and have one of our experts inspect your home’s waste water and sewer lines. We will provide you with a free estimate, no obligation. We have been providing Denver CO customers with reliable, affordable sewer inspections since 2009!


About our Home Inspection Denver Company 

Home Inspection Denver CO

Home Inspection Denver CO provides rental property inspections, pre-sale inspections, mold inspections and Apartment inspections. We are a locally owned and locally operated small business that values customer service and honesty. We are licensed, bonded and insured. We look forward to working with you.

We love Denver and are honored to serve the residents of the region.


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