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Boston Movers | Top 13 Things You Need to Do When You Move

Dec 5

Marathon Movers


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Moving can be a stressful time and it is also exciting. There are many things to do at different stages, both before you actually move and on moving day. Chances are you will be asking yourself over and over in your head, ” What do I need to do when I move?” Usually, a deep breath is a good place to start, along with having a printable moving checklist, but here are 13 more things that should definitely be included on your moving checklist.

What do I need to do when I move?

If you have the luxury of knowing you have to move well ahead of the move, you can strategically plan your tasks in order to make the task of moving less overwhelming. Setting up a binder on a cloud-based platform, such as Google Docs, will allow you to access whichever moving checklist you need. Setting this master area to keep your lists organized with prove helpful the deeper you get into your move…

Two Months Before Your Move

#2. Determine your last errands in your old place and town
Depending on how far you are moving you may want to get yourself or your kids to medical appointments. If you are taking pets along, they should be caught up on their shots before your move. Sooner, rather than later is better.

#3. Pack your vital documents in one easy to grab place
The first moving box should house the things most critical and valuable to your life, such as vital documents you’ll need for your next chapter.

#4. Research Moving Companies, the Costs, and the Best Options for You
The moving process can vary a lot depending on your circumstances. You may be upgrading or downgrading your lifestyle. You might want to let movers handle all your packing and moving. You could be a college student moving into a dorm, a young adult venturing into a first apartment, or a family moving from one house to the next. Determine how much time you have t invest in your own move versus your budget, and choose the one that is best suited for you.


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One Month Before Your Move

By the time you are in the last month before a move, everything will start to feel more real.
#5. Start Packing and Downsizing
You can officially start packing some of your less used things that have been in storage anyway like holiday decorations, It is also a good time to determine things you just don’t want to keep and get things thrown, donated or sold that you won’t be needing.

#6. Take pictures of your valuables
Having a physical record of things like jewelry or electronics will help if movers misplace a box and can even help you make sure you find the right cords and wires to connect things in your new place.

#7. Fix What you can
Many times small things go wrong with a home or apartment, such as a broken light fixture or a missing faceplate on an outlet. Do a quick quality check and fix what you can to help leave your home better for whoever lives there next.

Down to the Wire

#8. Update your address
Make sure the Post Office is informed so they can deliver your mail to the right place.

#9. Cancel Memberships and Subscriptions
If you have your gym membership, or a monthly wine delivery coming to your house it is time to double-check that you have a fresh start at the new place.

#10. Double Check Important Dates and Times With Movers and Utilities
You will want to double check with your movers and any utility companies that need to transfer or hook up services at your new place, so you have important things like power and Internet.

#11. Finish Packing
Get as much as possible packed so your moving day goes smoothly.

Moving Day

#12. Take Care of the Kids and Pets
Kids love to help, and sometimes so do pets, but it is hard to keep everyone out of the way, especially when it comes to moving heavy furniture. Delegate someone to keep them busy, to keep things easier for everyone.

#13. Spoil the Help
If you are doing a semi-independent move, having friends and family help with loading the truck can be extremely helpful. You can turn your move into a mini party by ordering pizza or if you get started early donuts. Everyone likes to feel appreciated.


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