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Tree Service | 7 Things You Should Do After a Storm Damages Your Trees

Dec 5

If a storm has damaged your trees, don’t worry! There are things you can do to help them recover. Here are seven tips for rehabilitating storm-damaged trees.


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Assess the Damage:

Before starting any repairs, it’s essential to assess the damage done. Look for visible signs such as broken branches, uprooted trees, and cracked bark. Also, look at the tree’s roots to determine if they are healthy or damaged. If the roots appear healthy, there is a good chance of saving the tree. However, removing the tree and replacing it with a healthier one may be best if they look weak or damaged.

Once you have assessed the damage, you can decide how to approach repairs. For minor damage, such as broken branches, you can use pruning shears to trim away the broken parts and encourage healthy new growth. For more severe injuries, such as a cracked trunk or uprooted tree, you may need professional help.

Storm Damages

Remove Debris:

Be sure to remove any debris from the tree and around it to reduce the potential for disease or infection. You should also check for signs of pests or other problems that can affect your tree’s health. If you identify any issues, consult with a certified arborist or an experienced landscaper who can help you make informed decisions regarding the best care and maintenance practices for your tree. Additionally, consider providing supplemental water during periods of drought to ensure proper hydration and mulching to retain moisture in the soil. Finally, provide regular pruning and shaping from a certified arborist who can help maintain your tree’s health. Proper maintenance is essential for keeping trees healthy and strong for years.

Prune Dead Branches:

If there are any dead branches, prune them with a sharp pair of loppers or saws. This will help improve air circulation and prevent further damage from occurring. Additionally, make sure you are watering your trees properly. Watering deeply and infrequently is the best way to ensure your tree stays healthy. You should water your tree with five gallons of water per inch of trunk diameter one to two times a week in the summer months and once every 2-3 weeks during cooler seasons. Lastly, fertilizing your tree once a year can help it stay healthy and strong. Use a slow-release fertilizer formulated explicitly for trees and followed the manufacturer’s instructions for application. Doing these things will help ensure that your trees remain healthy for years.

Storm Damages

Install Support System:

If your tree is leaning or has an extensive crown, installing a support system such as cables or braces is crucial. This will help keep your tree upright and prevent further damage from occurring. Have a certified arborist inspect your tree and determine if it needs support. It’s always best to use professional help when selecting the stability of your tree, as this will ensure that the support system is installed correctly and safely. With proper installation, bracing or cabling can effectively reduce stress on trees in high-traffic areas or those subject to strong winds. This will help keep your tree healthy and safe for years to come.


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Adding a layer of mulch around the base to boost the health of your trees can help retain moisture and protect the roots from extreme temperatures and drought. Additionally, mulch discourages weeds from taking root and stealing nutrients from your tree. Be sure to leave several inches of space between the trunk and the mulch for proper air circulation. If you’re looking for a more decorative cover, consider adding rocks or gravel around the base. This can provide an aesthetically pleasing look while serving as a protective layer for your tree. Additionally, adding décors such as bird baths or sculptures can add to the overall charm of your outdoor space while providing a place for birds and other wildlife to take refuge. Taking proper care of your trees will ensure they remain healthy and provide you with years of beauty and shade.

Storm Damages


Trees need nutrients to thrive, so fertilizing your trees with a balanced fertilizer can help them recover quickly and stay healthy. When fertilizing trees, it’s essential to use the correct type of fertilizer for your particular species. Young trees need more nitrogen to help with leaf growth and strengthen their root systems. Established trees may require additional phosphorus and potassium to keep them strong and healthy. When fertilizing young trees, make sure you use a slow-release fertilizer with a balanced N-P-K ratio that won’t burn their roots. Established trees, on the other hand, may benefit from a quick-release fertilizer to help them get an immediate boost of energy.

Additionally, follow the fertilizer instructions carefully and apply it at the right time for your climate. Finally, constantly water your trees thoroughly after applying the fertilizer to help them absorb the nutrients. Fertilizing your trees can help them stay healthy and strong, so don’t forget to give them the right fertilizer!


After you’ve taken steps to repair your tree, monitor it for any signs of distress or disease. If you notice anything off, contact an arborist right away. With the proper care and attention, your tree will return to its former glory in no time. Keeping your tree healthy is essential for its longevity, so check on it periodically and take proactive steps when necessary. Additionally, research any local laws or regulations that may affect how you care for the tree and what actions you can take to protect it.


If a storm has damaged your trees, don’t worry! You can help your tree recover quickly with the proper care and attention. Be sure to assess the damage, remove debris, prune dead branches, install a support system, add mulch and fertilizer, and keep an eye on it for any signs of distress. Burnaby Tree Surgeons can also provide professional tree service to help your trees recover more quickly. Contact us today for all of your Burnaby tree needs!


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