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Wildlife Removal | Is My Animal Invading My Home? Here’s What You Should Do

Dec 14

If you’ve been dealing with nuisance wildlife animals in your home or business, it’s time to call Alpha Wildlife. Our certified and trained wildlife removal experts will work diligently to get the animals out and keep them out for good. We are licensed and insured and use advanced techniques and equipment to ensure a speedy and successful removal process. So if you’re having trouble keeping the wildlife away, call Alpha Wildlife today!


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What is nuisance wildlife

Having wildlife in your garden or home can be a nuisance. Animals that aren’t native to an area can cause a lot of damage and may even be dangerous. To get rid of these pests, start by contacting a professional. They will help you determine the best action, including trapping, bait balls, or exclusion cages. Once the wildlife is gone, clean up the area and replant it with safe plants. Keep an eye out for future wildlife invasions, and take appropriate measures to prevent them. Remember that nuisance wildlife can vary in intensity, so consult a professional whenever you have an issue.

How do nuisance wildlife animals get into homes and businesses

Identifying which wildlife animals are invading your home or business can be challenging, but it’s essential to take action if you do. Animals can get into homes and businesses in a few different ways, and once they’re inside, they can become a nuisance – and sometimes, even costly to deal with. Here are some tips to help you prevent nuisance wildlife animals from getting into your home in the first place:

1. Keep your wildlife animal removal procedures in writing. This will help you remember what to do if an animal does get inside, and it can also serve as documentation for insurance or legal purposes should something go wrong.

2. Close any unauthorized areas of the home – including outside doors and windows that lead into the house, attic spaces, unfinished basements, etc. Ensure all water sources (fountains/drains) are shut off, so critters don’t have access to human food or liquid treasured by homeowners.

3. Inspect insulation around pipes and other water sources – any animal that can get inside will likely seek refuge from the cold. Wildlife animals are known to climb surfaces to gain access, so make sure there aren’t any holes or gaps around these areas.

4. Use a wildlife exclusion device (WED) if trapping and removal isn’t an option – this type of gadget attaches to entrances of structures and prevents wildlife from entering, making removal much more straightforward.

What are the steps for nuisance wildlife removal

Wildlife can be a nuisance and difficult to remove from your home. If you’re experiencing problems with wildlife, taking action is essential. Here are the steps you need to follow to remove wildlife from your property:

– Identify the problem wildlife. Is a bird or animal consistently getting into your yard, attic, or windows? Are squirrels raiding your garden?

-Know the wildlife laws in your area. In many areas of the country, it is illegal to intentionally kill animals (such as raccoons) that are nuisance pests. You may be able to remove them by trapping and removal.

-Contact a professional wild animal removal service if you cannot remove the wildlife or are concerned about potential legal ramifications from removing them yourself.



Is Alpha Wildlife a licensed and insured company

Is your animal invading your home? If so, it’s time to call Alpha Wildlife. They are a licensed and insured company that removes nuisance animals from homes. They use humane methods to remove the animal, so you won’t have to deal with unpleasantness or pain. Alpha Wildlife is also a one-stop shop for all animal care needs, from trapping and removal to animal registration and pest control. So if you’re ever in doubt about the care of your animal, or if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to them. They’re here to help!

In addition, Alpha Wildlife offers various animal control services to the community. This includes trapping and removal, raccoon control, opossum removal, and wildlife exclusion fencing. So whatever your animal problem may be, Alpha Wildlife has the solution.


Pest control in your home can be a daunting task, but with the help of this blog, you’ll be well-equipped to deal with any pest problem. Starting with bedbugs, rats, cockroaches, and ants, we’ll teach you the different types of pests and how to deal with them. Check for helpful tips, as pests are constantly evolving and changing. At Alpha Wildlife Knoxville, we want to ensure your home is free of pests, so feel free to call us for help.

Furthermore, remember to share this blog post with your friends and family so they can get a better understanding of pest control.



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