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Wildlife Removal | Why Should You Hire a Wildlife Exclusion Service

Dec 14

Wildlife exclusion is one of the most important services that an organization can employ. It protects the people and property inside the exclusion perimeter and deters wildlife from coming into contact with humans in the first place. If you’re planning to build or renovate an area that will be occupied by wildlife, consulting with a wildlife exclusion service is essential to ensure the project is done correctly. Keep reading to learn more about why wildlife exclusion is such an important service.


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Why should you hire a wildlife exclusion service

Hiring a wildlife exclusion service can protect your property and keep unwanted animals out. Wildlife exclusion services use innovative methods and technologies to help them identify and exclude animals from areas where they don’t belong. By working with an exclusion service, you can be sure that your property is safe from harm while also enjoying the benefits of wildlife viewing. 

Some of the main benefits of hiring a wildlife exclusion service include the following: 

– Safely protects your property against damage caused by unwanted animals 

– Prevents animal interactions that could lead to conflicts or injury 

– Helps preserve natural habitats by preventing invasive species from establishing themselves

How do wildlife exclusion services work

Wildlife exclusion services use various methods to keep unwanted animals away from areas where people live and work. Some standard techniques include:

– Surveillance cameras that capture images of the animals as they approach or enter the exclusion zone

– Electronic sensors that detect animal movements inside the perimeter

– Foggers and other acoustic devices that create noise levels high enough to drive wildlife away – Retractable barriers and fences that block animal access to the exclusion zone

– Poison gas or other lethal devices can be used to kill wildlife entering the exclusion zone.

Types of wildlife that can be a nuisance

Several types of wildlife can be a nuisance, each with different problems. Here are five of the most common:
1. Rodents: Rats, mice, and other small rodents can contaminate food or buildings with their droppings and urine, causing severe health risks to humans. They may also damage property by gnawing on wires or running through ducts. Control rats and mice using traps and poison; keep your home clean to minimize their breeding opportunities.
2. Birds: Common culprits include pigeons, seagulls, crows, and starlings – all of which consume large amounts or numbers of insects necessary for human survival in an area (including mosquitoes). Their droppings contain harmful bacteria that can cause respiratory infections in humans when inhaled; they also steal food from stores or crops, leading to lower yields.,. Prevent birds from nesting by eliminating sources of bird feeders – these attract not just the pests mentioned above but also predators such as hawks and eagles, which could eventually lead to population control measures being put into place.
3. primates: Besides stealing food (and some fruit), monkeys can destroy trees by stripping them bare or uprooting branches; they’ve even been known to enter homes seeking refuge during extreme weather conditions. Monkeys should be relocated if possible rather than shot-they make good pets once they’re correctly socialized! Primate relocation is typically done via capture/release techniques where the animals are placed in an area where they are likely to find food and water-a process that takes several weeks and is only sometimes successful.
4. Raccoons: These mammals can damage property by eating food stored outside, raiding homes for items such as towels or baby clothes, damaging attic insulation, and carrying off large numbers of small animals ( rodents, birds ) that they eat. Control raccoons by trapping/snaring them with live traps baited with Brosna Pumpkins – a favorite food item of raccoons; remove any animal carcasses from your property before the raccoon scavenges there.
5. opossums: These marsupials are omnivorous and can damage lawns, gardens, houses, and cars by eating outside items or raiding garbage cans for food. Control opossums by removing their food sources (e.g., eliminating makeshift dwellings such as nests in trees), trapping/shooting them when necessary, and installing animal-proof fencing around potential problem areas

How to identify and assess the damage caused by wildlife

Wildlife can cause severe damage to property and crops, as well as injure or kill people. How do you know if wildlife is causing harm? And how do you go about assessing the damage?

There are a few ways to identify and assess the damage caused by different types of wildlife. You can use cameras or sensors to record what’s happening on your property, track animal movements using GPS technology, or listen for signs of distress (e.g., bird songs that decrease in frequency). Once you know what’s going on, it will be easier to decide how best to respond.

If wildlife is causing significant damage, your priority should always be safety: stay away from dangerous animals, keep children safe by keeping them close by when possible, and call for help if necessary. After ensuring safety, consider removing any damaged items or structures so that the animals will stop attacking them. Finally, avoid feeding the animals in order not further encourage their behavior; instead, provide food scraps outdoors where they cannot access them inadvertently.

The different types of exclusion services

Wildlife exclusion services are a security service that helps keep animals out of restricted areas or buildings. They range in price and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of any business or organization.

Some common types of wildlife exclusion services include: 

– Wildlife removal – This service removes unwanted animals from sensitive areas, such as airports, military bases, schools, hospitals, and other high-traffic areas.

– Camera trapping – This service captures images and videos of wild animals so that you can study their behavior without risking harm or injury. It’s commonly used to research predator populations, measure animal movement patterns, determine habitat use habits, and more.

– Trapping/removal – This service captures predators (such as bears) alive so they can safely relocate elsewhere.


How to choose the exemplary exclusion service for your needs

When it comes to choosing the exemplary wildlife exclusion service for your needs, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. 

First and foremost, ensure that the company you choose has experience handling various types of animals. If they don’t have previous experience with large or dangerous mammals, they may not be able to handle them properly. 

Second, ensure that the company you select is licensed and accredited by either OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) or CPAG (Confederation of Professional Animal Graziers). This will ensure that they meet standards set forth by law regarding the care and treatment of exotic animals. 

Finally, always ask about any additional fees associated with their services. Some companies may charge extra overtime hours or send out staff on special orders. Knowing these costs before signing up will help save you money down the road!

How to prepare for and carry out an exclusion

Wildlife exclusion is necessary when working with live animals, and it’s always important to be prepared for the task. Here are some tips on how to prepare for and carry out a wildlife exclusion: 

– Make sure you have all the required equipment. You’ll need a cage, food, water dishes, shelter, and safety gear (like gloves). 

– Plan your route ahead of time. Map out where you will be going and mark the boundaries of your area with tape or flags. Remember not to go beyond these boundaries!

– Be aware of wild creatures around you at all times. Keep an eye out for animals in the field, and make noise if needed so they know that you’re there and that they should stay away from you. Try to observe animal behavior from a distance before making contact – this will help prevent unwanted interactions.

– Always follow safe animal handling practices when capturing or holding live animals to minimize stress or injury to either party involved. Handle wildlife carefully – use long poles instead of arms-length tools, keep hands away from their eyes, and never approach them closely enough o touch them without protection.


Wildlife control services can be a necessary part of any job, but it’s always important to be aware of any additional fees associated with the service. Preparing for the task will help make wildlife control more manageable and less stressful. At Alpha Wildlife Removal, we understand the importance of wildlife control and will always be prepared to help.


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