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Wildlife Removal | Wildlife Removal in Charleston - What You Should Know?

Dec 31

If you’re in the market for wildlife removal in Charleston, you might be wondering what to expect. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to look for when hiring a professional wildlife removal company, as well as tips on how to get the most out of your experience. From trapping and trapping equipment to post-removal care, we’ll outline everything you need to know to make the right choice for your situation. So whether you’re looking to remove a sick or injured animal, or just want to keep your property safe from critters, read on for all the information you need!


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Types of wildlife animals that you may encounter in Charleston

There are a number of different types of wildlife animals that you may encounter in Charleston, South Carolina. Some of the most common species include squirrels, raccoons, opossums, bats, and owls. Each season has its own unique set of animal sightings. Spring is typically when you’ll see more birds – particularly chickadees and cardinals – while summer brings in more deer and amphibians like toads and newts. Fall sees a surge in both bird populations (particularly warblers) as well as smaller mammals such as shrews and mice. Winter sees an increase in coyotes, foxes, wolves, bears (if you’re lucky), and even elephants!

So if you’re ever out hiking or exploring nature near Charleston – keep your eyes peeled for some fun surprises! Wildlife removal in Charleston can help get rid of any critters that are causing you difficulty. This includes squirrels in your attic, raccoons in your pool, bats in your barn, and owls in your garden.

How to remove wildlife from your property

If you’re looking to remove wildlife from your property, there are a few different methods that you can use. You can trap and release the animals into suitable habitats, or kill them outright. Whichever method you choose, be sure to follow all applicable regulations and safety precautions.

Trapping: The most common way to remove wildlife is by trapping them using traps set out specifically for this purpose. Trapping will allow you to capture the animal without injury or harm to it or the environment. Make sure that the traps are properly set and prepared before setting them off, so that you catch as many creatures as possible in short order.

Releasing: Another option is Release & Rehabilitation (R&R). This involves humanely capturing an animal alive and then releasing it back into its natural habitat unharmed. Afterward, R&R personnel monitor the creature’s behavior closely in order to ensure its long-term survival and success .

Killing: Sometimes, wildlife needs to be killed in order for it to be removed from your property. This may involve shooting the animals or trapping them in traps and then euthanizing them. Make sure that you have the necessary permits and licenses in order before taking any such action, in order to avoid any legal complications.

Wildlife Removal

Tips for preventing wildlife from returning in the future

One of the biggest threats to wildlife today is human activity. We’re constantly damaging and disrupting their habitats, which makes it hard for them to survive and reproduce. You can help prevent wildlife from returning by doing your part – following a few simple guidelines when interacting with nature.

When visiting parks or other natural areas, take care not to disturb the environment. Walk on grass rather than in the dirt, avoid making loud noises, and keep a respectful distance from animals (even if they seem timid). If you see any wild animal trapped in something like a fence or netting, do whatever you can to free it (including calling for help if necessary).

You also have the power to protect wildlife by using products that are designed specifically for this purpose. For example, many people use oil repellents during mosquito season because mosquitoes feed primarily on blood drawn from humans. This protection extends beyond humans too; all kinds of Wildlife enjoy being protected from harmful insecticides!

Wildlife Removal


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What to do if you see an animal on your property

If you see an animal on your property that is not supposed to be there, please contact your local law enforcement agency. Many animals get lost or wander away from their homes, and police officers may need to investigate the situation in order for it to be handled properly. If you feel safe keeping the animal, call a wildlife rescue organization instead. They will have the resources and knowledge needed to take care of the animal safely and humanely until it can be returned to its natural habitat.

There are so many ways to do this if you see wildlife on your property in Charleston, S.C. One way is to contact your local law enforcement agency. If the animal is not in danger, many people choose to take care of the animal themselves by calling a wildlife rescue organization instead. They read lightly though, as not every wildlife removal organization is equipped or willing to handle animals in a humane way.

Etiquette when it comes to wildlife removal

When it comes to wildlife removal, there are a few important guidelines that should always be followed. First and foremost, never damage or disturb any wild animals in order to remove them. This includes using sound equipment or nets in an aggressive manner. Always use restraint when capturing or removing the animal, and take care not to injure it further by moving it around unnecessarily.

Finally, make sure you dispose of the animal safely and properly afterward. An appropriate disposal method will vary depending on the type of animal being removed, but most experts recommend placing carcasses in a compost pile or dumpster outfitted with a tight seal for protection against decomposition.


Wildlife removal in Charleston, S.C. can be a tricky and often dangerous task, but with the right precautions in place it can be done successfully. Make sure to contact your local law enforcement agency if you feel safe keeping the animal, and always use restraint when removing it from the scene. Finally, make sure to dispose of the animal properly after removal in order to protect wildlife and human health.

The team at ALPHA WILDLIFE CHARLESTON is experienced in wildlife removal in Charleston, SC,, and all of the surrounding areas. We understand the importance of following proper etiquette and animal handling when removing these critters from your property or location. Contact us today at (843) 212-9076 to get started!




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