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Fitness | Kettlebells for the win!

Jan 6

kettlebell aspire club


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Kettlebells, kettlebells, kettlebells. Say it 12 times with a stone in your mouth and you’ll burn 8 kcal per hour! Seriously.

While these big steely devices never quite made it to mainstream, kettlebells have achieved cult status among fitness connoisseurs.Rustic and manly, the handheld cannonballs were invented by the Russian and extensively used to toughen up red army soldiers back in the days.

Extending your center of gravity, kettlebells facilitate ballistic training where you lift and accelerate the weight before releasing it. Basic exercises such as the one pictured here will get your heart pumping fast, promote strength and endurance and involve your full body.

I’ll admit, kettlebells are not exactly sexy training devices, and mentioning them in casual conversations won’t ring any bells (sorry…). Instead, they are the secret weapons of real fitness enthusiasts and to my knowledge, only us at the Aspire Club offer kettlebells training sessions that don’t take place in a dingy basement. Our facilities are brand new, our trainers highly skilled and our motivation to get you in shape unrivaled.


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Our trainers have extensive kettlebell training experience and as you can see, it is not conceived exclusively for men. Women and youngsters alike can reap the benefits of kettlebell training as well.

Swing it!

A couple of exercises can easily be incorporated in your current routine and you’ll quickly notice an improvement in your grip, core strength, and cardiovascular health.

Instead of using the same routines and machines over and over again, why don’t you pay us a visit and try out innovative alternatives? As the saying goes, doing things the same way, as usual, will only yield the usual results.


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