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Web Design Company | The Various UX/UI Benefits and Trends This 2022

Jan 10


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The past year was a big one for UI design, and this year is shaping up to be just as eventful. The trends that emerged in response to the challenges of 2021 are likely to continue to evolve 2022 as new tools and technologies become available. That said, it is important to know each and every one of them so that we may be able to make the most of them.

Below are just a few notable examples.

1. Dark Mode

Dark Mode is nothing new, but in 2022 it became more popular. This is a feature that allows users to switch from the regular background to a darker one. A dark mode makes it easier on the eyes and is more suitable for night usage. Some companies like Twitter and Facebook have introduced dark modes for their users. The concept might sound simple, but it is quite hard to get your head around. Designing with dark mode requires a lot of thought and consideration.

2. Voice UI

This is, in fact, one of the most innovative UI trends of 2022. The introduction of voice UI has led to the demise of buttons and handles. With voice UI, the whole process is automated. You just have to speak, and the machine will do everything that you ask it to do. It is also very efficient as well. Voice UI is also making things easier for the user. It is, in fact, very convenient to ask a machine to do what you want than to go through the troubles of finding the relevant buttons and handles.

3. Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual reality is no longer something out of sci-fi movies. It is an everyday thing. It has been, in fact, designed to make your life easier. In 2022, seeing people using their VR devices everywhere was not unusual. In fact, it has now become a basic need in many people’s lives. With VR, you can do a lot of things like watch movies and TV shows, listen to music and even attend a meeting. All you need is to put on the VR glasses, and you are good to go.


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4. Scroll-Hijacking

As you browse through your feed, you will find that content is automatically loading as you scroll down the screen. This is called scroll hijacking. This is a good strategy for brands as it ensures that their attention is held for longer periods of time. This allows brands to get their message across or sell their product as the user is engaged for longer periods.

5. Vertical Videos

The introduction of high definition has been the reason for the emergence of vertical videos. With the consistent increase in the demand for high-resolution content, it is not a surprise that videos too had to change. Vertical videos allow you to get more content on a single screen. With more and more users preferring mobile phones, vertical videos are definitely the way to go. The introduction of Instagram TV has also popularized this trend.

6. Glassmorphism

We have already seen a lot of physical changes and alterations. This, however, is something new. It is the addition of physical and digital elements to enhance the user experience. The result is a blend of the two physical and digital worlds. In 2022, we saw this brought about by wearables, smart furniture, and even countertops. This trend is changing our perception of the physical world and reshaping how we interact.


Some of the trends that we have outlined above might not necessarily take off in 2022. However, it is not difficult to see that they are definitely shaping up to be the trends of tomorrow. The way we use interfaces and how we interact with machines will be totally different from how we do it today. One thing is certain – as we go deeper into the future, the changes that we will see will be huge.


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