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Wildlife Removal | The Top Five Wildlife Removal Methods

Jan 31


When wild animals find their way into our homes or yards, it can be a nuisance and even a safety hazard. Fortunately, there are several effective methods for removing these animals from your property humanely and efficiently. From exclusion and repellents to trapping, fencing, and Professional wildlife removal services, the options for wildlife removal are varied and can be tailored to the specific needs of your situation. This article will discuss the top five wildlife removal methods, examining their effectiveness and considerations for use.


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Exclusion is a standard method for removing wildlife from a property or structure. This method involves physically blocking or sealing off entry points to prevent animals from entering the area. Exclusion is often the most effective and humane way to prevent wildlife from entering an area, as it allows the animals to continue living in their natural habitat without interference. Some typical materials for exclusion include metal flashing, wire mesh, and concrete. It is important to inspect the area for potential entry points thoroughly and to properly seal off any openings to ensure that the animals cannot re-enter. Exclusion can be a more permanent solution to wildlife removal, as it prevents future animal intrusions. However, it may be more time-consuming and costly to implement, especially if multiple entry points need to be sealed.

It is also essential to consider the type of animal excluded when using the exclusion method. For example, smaller animals, such as mice, may be able to squeeze through small openings that would be impervious to larger animals. In these cases, it may be necessary to use additional materials or techniques to seal off the area fully. Additionally, exclusion may not be the most appropriate method if the animals are already inside a structure, as it will not remove the already present animals. Overall, exclusion can be a useful tool in the wildlife removal process. Still, it is essential to carefully consider the specific needs and circumstances of the situation before deciding on the best course of action.



Repellents are another standard method for removing wildlife from a property or structure. These substances are designed to discourage animals from entering an area by emitting a smell or taste that the animals find unpleasant. Various repellents are available, including those that are chemical-based and those that are more natural. Chemical repellents may be more effective at deterring animals, but they can also negatively impact the environment and may not be safe for use around children or pets. On the other hand, natural repellents may be less effective but are generally safer and more environmentally friendly.

Repellents can deter many animals, including birds, rodents, and larger mammals. They can be applied directly to the area where the animals are causing a problem or can be used more broadly to discourage animals from entering a larger area. Repellents should be reapplied regularly to maintain their effectiveness. Trying several different types or brands may be necessary before finding one that is effective for a particular situation. It is also essential to consider the potential impacts of repellents on other animals and the environment before using them. 


Trapping is another method that can be used to remove wildlife from a property or structure. Traps are devices designed to capture animals humanely so they can be removed from the area. Many types of traps are available, including live traps, cage traps, and box traps. Live traps allow animals to be captured without harming them, while cage and box traps are designed to hold the animal until it can be released or relocated. It is essential to check and remove any trapped animals in a timely manner to minimize stress and discomfort. Trapping can remove many animals, including birds, rodents, and larger mammals. It is important to choose the appropriate type of trap for the specific target animal, as some surprises may be more or less effective depending on the size and behavior of the animal.

However, trapping can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it may be challenging to catch all of the animals in a particular area. Before using traps, it is also essential to consider any potential impacts on other animals and the environment, as they can potentially harm non-target species. Trapping can be an effective tool for removing wildlife, but it may be another appropriate methods in some situations.

Wildlife in Farragut


Fencing can be an effective method to keep wildlife out of a specific area or to prevent animals from entering a structure. Many fencing materials are available, including wood, metal, and plastic. The type of fencing best for a particular situation will depend on the style of animal being excluded and the property’s specific needs. For example, a tall, sturdy fence may be necessary to keep larger mammals out of an area, while a smaller fence with fine mesh may be sufficient to keep out smaller animals, such as rodents.

Fencing can be a more permanent solution to wildlife removal, as it provides a physical barrier the animals cannot easily overcome. However, it can be costly to install and may only be practical in some situations. It is also essential to consider any potential impacts on the environment or other animals before installing a fence, as it can block migratory routes or disrupt the natural habitat of local species. Fencing can be an effective tool for removing wildlife, but it should be carefully considered and planned before implementation.



Professional wildlife removal services

Professional wildlife removal services are another option for removing wildlife from a property or structure. These companies have trained professionals who are experienced in safely and humanely removing animals from a variety of different situations. They can provide various services, including exclusion, repellent application, trapping, and relocation or release of captured animals. Professional wildlife removal services can be especially useful if you need help removing the animals on your own effectively or if you are dealing with a large or difficult-to-remove animal.

One advantage of professional wildlife removal services is that they have the expertise and equipment to safely and effectively handle the animals. They can also guide how to prevent future wildlife problems, such as sealing off entry points or eliminating food sources that may attract the animals. However, professional wildlife removal services can be costly, and it is important to research and compare different companies to ensure you get a fair price and high-quality service.

 Removal Methods


The top five wildlife removal methods include exclusion, repellents, trapping, fencing, and professional removal services. Each method has its pros and cons, and it is essential to carefully consider the specific needs and circumstances of the situation when choosing the most appropriate method for removing wildlife from a property or structure. Using the most effective and humane way will ensure that the animals are effectively removed and that the root cause of the problem is addressed.

At Alpha Wildlife Columbia, we are experts in wildlife removal and can provide you with various services to help remove animals from your property or structure.



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