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Wildlife Removal | The Role of Professional Wildlife Removal Services

Feb 23


Wildlife infestations can be a serious problem for homeowners and property managers. Not only can wild animals cause structural damage to buildings, but they can also pose a threat to human health and safety. While trying to remove wildlife yourself may be tempting, it is always best to leave it to the professionals. Professional wildlife removal services have the necessary expertise, equipment, and experience to safely, humanely, and efficiently handle wildlife removal. In this blog post, we will explore the role of professional wildlife removal services and why it’s important to choose a licensed and insured service for your wildlife removal needs. From the process of wildlife removal to the benefits of using professional services, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the subject to help you understand the importance of professional wildlife removal.


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Signs that you need professional wildlife removal services

If you suspect wildlife has infiltrated your home or property, it is important to take action promptly. Here are some signs that indicate you need professional wildlife removal services:

  1. Noises in the attic or walls: Scratching, gnawing, or thumping sounds in your attic or walls indicate that wildlife has taken up residence in your home.
  2. Droppings and urine: Wildlife droppings and urine can be found in attics, basements, crawl spaces, and other home areas. These signs of wildlife activity can be a health hazard, as they may contain disease-causing bacteria and parasites.
  3. Nesting materials: If you find materials such as twigs, leaves, or insulation in your attic or other areas of your home, it is a sign that wildlife has made a nest there.
  4. Strong odors: A strong, musky smell in your home indicates wildlife infestation. This odor can be caused by a buildup of droppings and urine in the nests of wildlife.
  5. Damage to your property: Wildlife can cause significant damage to your home, including gnawed electrical wiring, chewed insulation, and damaged walls or flooring.
  6. Presence of wildlife: If you see wild animals in or around your home, it signifies that they have taken up residence there and need to be removed.

If you observe any of these signs, it is important to seek professional wildlife removal services as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your property and potential health hazards. These services can safely and humanely remove the wildlife and prevent them from returning.

Professional Wildlife

Benefits of using professional wildlife removal services

You can use professional wildlife removal services for many reasons. You may have a nuisance animal causing problems in your yard or garden or an animal behaving aggressively and posing a danger to humans.

Professional wildlife removal services can effectively remove problem animals from your property. They will work with you to devise a plan for eradicating the offending creature and do everything they can to minimize the damage done during the process. Another benefit of using professional wildlife removal services is their experience. Many of these professionals have worked extensively in the field of wildlife removal and are skilled at dealing with difficult situations. They will be able to navigate your property quickly and efficiently, minimizing the chances of damaging anything along the way.

Importance of choosing a licensed and insured wildlife removal service

When you choose to use professional wildlife removal services, you must ensure that the company you select is licensed and insured. Licensed companies must adhere to rigorous safety standards, and they must also have insurance in place for them to be able to conduct work safely. An unlicensed company might need to meet these safety requirements and, therefore, could pose a danger to both the workers involved and members of the public. In addition, an uninsured company might not be able or willing to fund repairs if something goes wrong during the removal process.

How professional wildlife removal services handle wildlife removal safely and humanely

Professional wildlife removal services use safe and humane methods to remove wildlife from your home or property. These methods are designed to ensure the safety of the wild animals and the people involved in the removal process. Here is how professional wildlife removal services handle wildlife removal:

  1. Inspection: The first step in the removal process is to inspect the property to identify the type of wildlife and the extent of the infestation. This information is used to develop a removal plan tailored to the property’s specific needs.
  2. Humane trapping: Professional wildlife removal services use humane traps to capture wildlife. These traps do not harm wildlife and allow them to be safely removed from the property.
  3. Relocation: Once the wildlife has been captured, they are transported to a safe location where it can be released back into the wild. Relocation ensures that wild animals are not subjected to unnecessary harm and can continue to live in their natural habitats.
  4. Prevention: After the wildlife has been removed, professional wildlife removal services will take steps to prevent them from returning. This may include sealing entry points, installing exclusion devices, and repairing damage caused by wildlife.
  5. Clean-up: Professional wildlife removal services will also clean up any droppings, urine, or nesting materials left behind by the wildlife. This helps prevent disease spread and reduces the risk of health hazards.

Professional wildlife removal services follow strict ethical and safety standards to ensure that the wildlife is removed safely and humanely. They have the necessary expertise and equipment to handle wildlife removal effectively and efficiently, and they work to minimize the impact on the environment and wildlife populations.

Impact of wildlife removal on the environment 

The removal of wildlife can have a big impact on the environment. Wildlife includes all animals that are not domesticated, such as bats, skunks, raccoons, squirrels, and opossums.

Wildlife can consume large amounts of food and prevent other animals from feeding, leading to starvation in animals that rely on wildlife for sustenance. They may also damage crops or contaminate water supplies with their droppings. They can also spread diseases to humans and other animals. Wildlife removal can be a necessary step in protecting human and animal safety. However, it is important to take care not to damage the environment too much, as this will only lead to increased problems in the future. There are many ways to remove wildlife without harming the environment, such as trapping or shooting them.

 Professional Wildlife


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Role of wildlife removal services in preventing the spread of diseases carried by wildlife

Wildlife can carry various diseases that can threaten human health, making it important to prevent the spread of these diseases through proper wildlife removal practices. Here is the role of wildlife removal services in preventing the spread of diseases carried by wildlife:

  1. Disease identification: Professional wildlife removal services have the expertise to identify the presence of diseases in wildlife populations. They use this information to determine the best approach for removing wildlife and preventing the spread of disease.
  2. Safe removal practices: Wildlife removal services use safe and humane methods to remove wildlife from a property. This helps prevent disease spread, as wildlife is not subjected to unnecessary stress or harm during the removal process.
  3. Proper disposal of waste: Wildlife removal services dispose of any waste, such as droppings and urine, left behind by the wildlife. This helps to prevent the spread of diseases that may be present in the waste.
  4. Clean-up and decontamination: Professional wildlife removal services will clean and decontaminate the affected areas to eliminate any risk of disease transmission. This includes removing and properly disposing of any contaminated materials, such as nesting materials and dead wildlife.
  5. Prevention measures: After the wildlife has been removed, wildlife removal services will take steps to prevent them from returning and to prevent the spread of disease. This may include sealing entry points, installing exclusion devices, and repairing damage caused by wildlife.

By following these best practices, wildlife removal services play a crucial role in preventing the spread of diseases carried by wildlife and maintaining public health. Choosing a licensed and insured wildlife removal service that adheres to these standards is important to ensure the removal process is safe and effective.


Wildlife removal is necessary for people living in areas frequented by wildlife. It can be expensive, but it’s important to remember that the animals are coming into contact with their property, and human safety should always come first.

At Alpha Wildlife, they understand the importance of wildlife removal and work hard to provide quality service for their customers. With years of experience, they use the best methods possible to remove wildlife safely, and they always work to minimize any damage done along the way. If you need wildlife removal services, contact Alpha Wildlife today!


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